Project 4 - Sense of Place

     This assignment was all about a sense of place. The place that I enjoy most and what I chose to focus on was my childhood home. I wanted to capture how loved my home is and how comfortable my family is as well. A big factor that makes home "home," is my dogs. I wanted viewers to see how curious and silly both Lucky and Luna are. They are stars of "guard dog duty" and "lucky spot." Not only did I focus on living things, but I also focused on inanimate objects. One of the photographs, titled "sisters," is the bathroom that my nineteen year old sister and I have shared ever since we were little. When thinking of a stereotypical girls bathroom, I think of ours. The spilled hair dye in the sink, the floors hold stains of pink nail polish, and the smiles of us doing each other's hair reflects in the mirror. For my last set of photographs, "kitchen" and "grandmas flowers," I focused on my mom. Ever since I can remember she has always had plants and flowers throughout our home. So, when thinking of home, I could not imagine it without plants. In "kitchen," it showcases my mom's favorite long plant as well as gives insight to her collection of cookie jars that rest atop of our kitchen cupboards. "Grandmas flowers" are a cactus lily given to us from my great grandma Marian. It always blooms in the springtime and is purple, her favorite color. It reminds us of the happiness we have shared, and the loved we have lost. Overall, my photographs embody the idea of home. Each one has a story behind it and that is what I want my work to be about, the things I love, home. 


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